Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I have learned that Subway is holding a essay what wrong wit that you ask?Well whats wrong is that they are excluding any homeschoolers from entering!!!I am currently homeschooled but will go to high school next fall.I am very saddened by this.Because subway is my absolute "fast food" chains I am very disappointed to hear about their decision they have made.Because one One!!! Of the prizes is a $5,000 worth of athletic equipment they decided that homeschoolers should not be eligible!Or at least that is my assumption.But there is mire than one prize cause of course the writer has to get his own personal prize which includes.A scholastic gift basket ,$100.00 subway card and the story published in a magazine.there are also six runners up that include a scholastic gift basket and a $50.00 subway card.I do understand that just don't want to hand out 5,000 dollars willy nilly to one family not knowing if it is used for something that it is meant to i do understand that.But there can be two options on if you are in public school then it goes as followed.But if you are homeschooled then you can give the money to a school of your choice give away the money to a charity or to your neighborhood playground.Since I live in a tiny tiny.neighborhood I never had a playground growing up and always wanted one.And now I'm to old to register plus I'm homeschooled so that's a double whammy.What the could have also done in my opinion was to give a collage scholarship cause everybody needs a collage scholarship no matter if they're homeschooled or not or even if they're 5 or 15 cause their is never to late or to early to start a collage scholarship.Well there is allot of things they could have done if you want to learn more about this go to or just Google subway essay contest.

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Mighty Mouse!

Mighty Mouse!