Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Donate rice with out lifting a finger

They re is an awesome that donates rice every time you get a word right!Its all vocabulary words so even if you aren't very good @ vocabulary i urge you to try i just finished donating 2,000 grams of rice!And Mikaela just finished donating 1,800!Please i urge to try it!plus You will learn new words like dealership means franchise anyways go check it out!The site is www.freerice.com

No reading list this week

Sorry i dont have a reading list this week!
My youth pastor is on his honeymoon so i dont have a reading list for this week sorry!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Reading List

Here is this weeks Reading List!
Monday: Acts 15:1-21
Tuesday: Acts 15:22-35
Wednesday: Acts 15:36-41
Thursday: Acts 16:1-10
Friday: psalm 139
Hope this helps!
And really try to read don't just let them pass on by!
O And if you want to do it online go to www.biblegateway.com
But in your bible is better.
Try to be in a quite room as much as possible!

New feature

I'm going to start something new here @ christian community!You Know when there are days that you just don't know what to read in your bible?Well every week my Youth pastor sends out a E-mail telling us what to read for this week I'm going to post that list every week as soon as i get it!Usually it's sent out on Monday but sometimes Tuesday!I haven't gotten it yet been when i do I Will post it.I'm so excited keep looking for this post.Thanx

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In the Mist of another change

Hey guys im in the mist of another change>Im gonna try to change the Url from 1just4homeschoolers.blogspot.com to christiancommunity.blogspot.com just a heads up.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


I Had V.B.S this week and if I'm correct just about 8 kids accepted Christ as their personal Lord and SAvior.Praise the Lord!They're were 3 in my class alone!It was Awsome!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


That's right i changed the name it still should be.just4homeschoolers.blogspot.com but I'm going off to high school.Next fall so I felt like i can't keep the name the same cause i wont be Home schooled anymore.So I changed it.but the aspect and the heart is still the same just a little bit of a different aspect.But its still about God and Everything Christians face in their everyday live weather you are home schooled or go to Public School or Go to private School!
God luvs U !

New Video Bar.

Hey guys check out my new video bar!Its All Spur58!!!!!They are so Awsome they were the band @ Student Life Camp!They are so Awsome Check Them Out.!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Spur58 Is Awsome! Theyre song are amzing I love them so much.Check them out at www.spur58.com

Sunday, June 8, 2008

more blogs

hey guys
ive benn out of town for the past week so im soryy for no of the new post s except for the one mikaela posted thankyou mikaela.well im exsausted I baby sat my cousins house all last week and i got home yesterday but then i had to go to a wedding and man boy do my feet hurt so bad from wearing those heels.Plus i wake up early like 6:30 to help my mom take care of the chior kid at chur so im tired from that.Also on top of that Im leaving tuesday for student life camp.So yup,well Thank you for posting comments,its shows that my site is growing.There is at least on new blog i have found from a comment and that is.http://grlsforgod.blogspot.com/check it out it is really good.Fyi this site isnt just 4 homeschoolres it is for fellow christians even if the have never been homeschooled.Because im going Public school next year i can't say just 4 homescholers now can I?any way so this blog is for anyone but it is first and foremost about God.

Friday, June 6, 2008

It's her bestest friend ever....

Hey it's Mikaela reporting for Tat saying that she is sorry that she hasn't been posting and that she is also sorry that she has disappointed all her Blog fans... (edit: Me. I think I'm the only one to ever read it.. 0_o) Plus she said I could play with it.. and I'm not quite sure how i can play on a blog.. but whatever!!!
~Mikaela, Tat's bestest awesomest buddy EVER!!!! :]

Thursday, May 29, 2008

awsome games to learn from

There is a really good game on Disney.com called hotshot business.Its a game where you pick a shop to open such as a dog parlor,a candy factory,landscaping and more.Its completely free.And you can make your own account again completely free and earn badges and even unlock a new business and you have to earn points. There is alot more that I Could Tell you but I don't want to tell yo everything.But it teaches how advertisement helps a business.How prices can make or break your business and how to handle them.That just about all I'm gonna tell you the rest your gonna have to check the rest out yourself.If you have any games you want to spread the word about just put your name and the name of it and where the site is (if its on the Internet).

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sad Day :'(

Im sad to hear that Steven Curtis Chapman daughter Maria (age 5) died :'(. The one that died (I think) is the little girl they adopted from China. My prayers are with him and his family. I pray that yours will be also. Let us pray that God will help him and his family.during this time.
Please pray

other blogs

hello there are also other blogs (that I know of) written by homeschoolers.http://www.cheerleaderanonymous.blogspot.com/ which is my other one and http://www.nerdysk8rchick.blogspot.com/ which is my best friend Mikaela's.So if you find posts like the subway that is identical to another blog then its probably my blog (cheerleader_anonymous) so don't worry I did not playderize or steal another persons work.More than likely i wrote that one and I just didn't fell like writing it again. So if you have or know of any blogs written by homeschoolers and want to tell people about it. Just go to comments and put in the comments box.


I have learned that Subway is holding a essay contest.so what wrong wit that you ask?Well whats wrong is that they are excluding any homeschoolers from entering!!!I am currently homeschooled but will go to high school next fall.I am very saddened by this.Because subway is my absolute "fast food" chains I am very disappointed to hear about their decision they have made.Because one One!!! Of the prizes is a $5,000 worth of athletic equipment they decided that homeschoolers should not be eligible!Or at least that is my assumption.But there is mire than one prize cause of course the writer has to get his own personal prize which includes.A scholastic gift basket ,$100.00 subway card and the story published in a magazine.there are also six runners up that include a scholastic gift basket and a $50.00 subway card.I do understand that just don't want to hand out 5,000 dollars willy nilly to one family not knowing if it is used for something that it is meant to i do understand that.But there can be two options on if you are in public school then it goes as followed.But if you are homeschooled then you can give the money to a school of your choice give away the money to a charity or to your neighborhood playground.Since I live in a tiny tiny.neighborhood I never had a playground growing up and always wanted one.And now I'm to old to register plus I'm homeschooled so that's a double whammy.What the could have also done in my opinion was to give a collage scholarship cause everybody needs a collage scholarship no matter if they're homeschooled or not or even if they're 5 or 15 cause their is never to late or to early to start a collage scholarship.Well there is allot of things they could have done if you want to learn more about this go to http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=65217 or just Google subway essay contest.

Mighty Mouse!

Mighty Mouse!